May 14, 2020

Covid Creative Online Exhibition

Here is the first posting of creative work by chapter members in this Age of Covid. 
All work is copyright protected and held in the member's name.

There is no deadline for submitting work for inclusion in this online exhibition. 

Jessica Spring - Springtide Press - Viral Post Series

Search for: Bat, Chloroquine, Corona, Curve, Distancing, Fever, Home, Masks, 
Pandemic, PPE, Quarantine, Six Feet, Soap, Tests, Virus, Wuhan

Elsi Vassdal Ellis - EVE Press - No More Excuses

Here is the short story, part fiction part real of a woman who has no excuses but to clean out THAT closet during COVID-19 social distancing. What she finds is a box of fabric scraps given to her by her husband's Indiana grandmother who quilted to earn extra cash to keep the house warm in winter (real). Every square has at least one piece of Pansy's fabrics dating from the 1930s to 1980s.

Front & back covers; 14 inches square; side binding with Victorian glass buttons on front; back buttons plastic.

Endsheet and page 1

Pages 2 & 3 (Pansy loved pink; she also cut lots of hexagons for a quilt never begun)

Pages 4 & 5

Pages 6 & 7 (Pansy loved the combination of orange and teal; I am saving that combo for a different book)

Pages 8 & 9

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