I know you have been anxiously awaiting this opportunity to nominate yourself or someone you know for election to the regional board.
Rather than compete with the national nomination process we have usually waited to keep nominations and election dates closer together. [It keeps things fresh in everyone's minds as well.]
You will receive reminders of dates. The most important one to remember right now is JUNE 1.
The board positions open for nomination are:
Chapter chair (currently Sarah Mottaghinejad)Vice-chairSecretary (currently Elsi Vassdal Ellis)Treasurer (currently Elsi Vassdal Ellis)Website/Communications Director (currently Elsi Vassdal Ellis)Newsletter (currently Elsi Vassdal Ellis)Events Coordinator (currently Sophia Bogle)
Just so you have some idea of what the positions are all about, I have included the information from the GBW Chapter Handbook.
From the standard Chapter Handbook:
Every chapter must have a Chair. [No chair, No chapter].
Other offices are optional, depending on the needs of the Chapter. Regardless of the number of officers or officer title, the duties listed below must be fulfilled.
Chapter offices and duties that might be considered:
1. Chair (or Co-Chairs).
Responsible for the smooth and effective running of the chapter Coordinates the other officers Communicates with the chapter membership Represents the chapter at the meetings of the GBW Board of Directors Quarterly conference call meetings Board of Directors annual meeting at the Standards Conference Chapter Chairs annual meeting at the Standards Conference
2. Vice-chair
Is an understudy for the President or Chair Takes on assigned tasks
3. Secretary (recording & membership)
Receives and handles mailTakes minutes of meetingsWrites (or assigns) reports of eventsKeeps chapter membership lists (names, phone, email)Collects permanent records and materials for the GBW Archives.
4. Treasurer
Creates annual chapter budget with ChairOversees all financial activities (events, etc.)Records all financial transactionsCollects, approves, and forwards all bills for payment
5. Website/Communications Director
Creates &/or monitors web site informationMay maintain a blog or other social media for the chapter
6. Newsletter Editor
Edits regular chapter newsletter content and production
7. Events Coordinator (may be divided into two positions if desired)
Meeting and Program/Workshop Planner Exhibition Coordinator
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me or Sarah [sarah@editions.studio]. [And no, I am not a position hog; board members resigned because life called upon them to shift priorities elsewhere, and so I filled in on things as needed. To be honest, I could have done more. . .]
And yes, there will be weekly reminders. I will haunt you until the nomination deadline!!!! [Remember that Halloween Exchange???]